Yes! It’s almost here. The festival we’ve all been waiting for so desperately. Holi! One can’t deny the excitement, elation and eagerness the festival brews within us. And to pin down the sheer essence of the fiesta may be a hard task in itself.
Devoted mystics flowing in saffron robes, people glitzing in the myriad hues, buildings flowing with vivid shades of vermilion, eyes full of dreams and heads full of stars (or is it bhang!). Holi is a festival, not for the weak-hearted. Besides the aggressive use of colored powders and water balloons, Holi celebrates love and togetherness. It celebrates special bonds and personifies the true essence of our country as it welcomes the scorching summer.
While the entire country wears a festive look, markets go abuzz with activities and ballistic children run through
scanty and rickety lanes with pichkaris, drenching everybody as they run past them. The festival of hope and joy, brings with it an array of happiness.
Also, Holi is a word filed by associations, such as gulaal, music, dancing and sweets and what says “LA VIVA VIDA” better than a box of sweets? So before you dance to the beats of Balam Pichkari and wallow in the pleasure of being covered in a pool of colors, prepare yourself to indulge in the sweet joy of gluttony.
To avoid the sweet temptations for someone with a sweet-tooth could be extremely hard, but it’s always important to stick to a healthier alternative, especially for the calorie conscious folks out there.
Karloree 1, helps you do exactly that. So sit back and surrender to your weakness and make this Holi as happening as you are.
Image Courtesy: peppertap